Wednesday, February 9, 2011

How will your children turn out?

I was intrigued by a biography I read over at another blog this morning. It got me thinking about parenting and how our efforts - or lack of effort- directly impacts how our children "turn out". Often I hear myself and other parents stating that we hope and pray our children will "turn out" okay, but without even realizing how much opportunity we have EVERY day to teach our children and influence how they "turn out". I believe if we do our job, our children won't just 'turn out', but they will prosper and grow to be the adults that we have fostered and mentored for for so long.

Our job and role as parents is one to mentor and guide these small beings so that they may become the best adult they were created to be. It is not a shot in the dark to just see how they will 'turn out', for children will only 'turn out' according to how we have mentored and guided them along the way. Children are only products of what we make them to be. One of my favourite parenting cards created by Jan Hunt is "Children reflect the treatment they receive". Jan is one of my mentors and someone whom I respect. The Natural Parenting Project is a website I frequent often for inspiration, guidance and support. The parenting cards available on her website is one of the ways I continue to learn and grow as a parent. It helps me to stay present in my role as a parent and mentor to my children, because as you all know our jobs as parents are not easy! It is also one way I can continue to feel good about they way my children will 'turn out' as adults.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

What have you done today?

As a homeschooler I am often haunted by my internal thoughts saying - do this enough learning? "what have they learned today", etc. etc. I am sure many of you know what I mean when I say that little voice inside your head that questions if you did enough in the day. I couldn't help but think of this today as I feel as though I have spent my morning in the kitchen.

First, my children got lots of snuggles and cuddles on the couch when they first rose this morning as we snuggled in and watched some re-runs of Back to the Future. This was a lesson on history and time travel! Each time they watch the movie they absorb more information, and have learned to pay attention to different parts of the movie each time I point something out. They are now pointing things out to me! After snuggling, we had our breakfast, and although it was a rough start with them fighting over the computer as they chose which BrainPop video to watch, we all survived. So there they got a short lesson on how Annie and Moby use Email and the Library (along with how to get along with each other). This website is a favourite right now in our household and I am considering purchasing a membership to keep it going. They can get quick lessons on anything!

After that, as I was on the phone with Saxon Math teacher, my oldest entertained the younger boys with doing toddler trays for them! It was the cutest thing ever, and they all loved it! I got all my questions answered from Saxon while I made muffins and the children played -or should I say learned! This is where the inventions started happening, my 4 & 2 year old starting making up things like Doc Brown in Back to the Future! Once that was done, my daughter worked on her lapbook at the kitchen table while the boys continued with their inventions.

So, my children have taught me today that they have already learned a lot, even though I have cooked, cleaned, been on the phone and not sat them down to do any formal lesson yet today. I find this to be one of the hardest lessons to learn as a homeschooler, but as each year goes by, it become more apparent to me of this very important lesson as a parent.

This is what I have done today...and now I must head back into the kitchen to make lunch and clean some more as my children continue to learn.